Peter Pouring (1 of 1) (2016_06_17 16_43_57 UTC)
What Is the New Normal When It Comes to Wine Tastings?
Is there a way for brands to meet the lofty expectations of guests without scaring them away with sky-high fees? By Kathleen Willcox   In 2019, wine tasting fees and experiences ran the gamut from...
Carl Giavanti
Turning the Tables on Carl Giavanti
By Alexandra Russell Five years ago, Wine Industry Advisor debuted Turning the Tables, a monthly series of interviews that shined a spotlight on the journalists and storytellers within the wine world....
Wine Industry in Transition: Adapting to Economic Shifts and Compliance Pressures
Wineries face rising pressures on wages, a buyer’s market for grapes and the looming cost of wastewater compliance  By Laurie Wachter   A strong finish to a late harvest was good news for the...
Wish You Were Here: 11th WIN Expo Delivers Education, Access and Entertainment
If you didn’t attend the 11th annual WIN Expo last week, expect to hear from clients and colleagues over the coming weeks about what you missed. On November 30, 2023, nearly 3,000 attendees gathered in...
Expert Editorial: Mitigating Algae Contamination in the Water
The algal mitigation tools of yesterday no longer work.  By Lawrence Field According to High Country News, an independent media organization that covers the important issues and stories that define...
Eric Asimov
Turning the Tables on Eric Asimov
By Carl Giavanti Eric Asimov is the chief wine critic of The New York Times and the author of How to Love Wine: A Memoir and Manifesto, published by William Morrow, and Wine With Food: Pairing Notes and...
WIN - Harvest Pillar 4
Vineyard Trellising Revolutionized by Concrete "Harvest Pillar" Option
Concrete may not be the first material that comes to mind for vineyard managers who are setting up or reinforcing their trellis systems this year. Jensen Precast, the largest independently-owned precast...
Expert Editorial: Why Is Moderate Wine Consumption Being Villainized in 2023?
Many studies don’t support the “any alcohol is bad” hypothesis. By R. Curtis Ellison, MD, MS; and Creina Stockley, PhD, MBA   The risks of moderate alcohol consumption on health outcomes have been...
Results Partners
Hello Scott Henry: A Second Chance for Troublesome Vines
How a widely dismissed trellising system can boost productivity and quality By Kathleen Willcox   Wine styles and production methods fall in and out of fashion: just consider the ubiquity, disappearance...
Winemaking Excellence: Exploring New Tools and Techniques
Addressing early harvest, precursor aromas, oak consistency and health-conscious winemaking  By Laurie Wachter   Winemakers often experiment, run tests and make adjustments in their winemaking...