Sean_Weir Headshot
Turning The Tables on Sean Weir, Author of The Mad Crush
By Carl Giavanti Sean Weir grew up in Sonoma Valley, Calif. He enjoyed his first crash course in wine appreciation as a 20-year-old backwaiter at the Domaine Chandon restaurant in Napa Valley. He later...
How to Do Press Trips Right: Best Practices for Media, PRs and Wineries (Expert Editorial)
Both hosts and attendees should be prepared for a media visit. By Carl Giavanti I recall once picking up a media guest at the Portland, Ore., airport. After greetings and hugs, they pulled a crisp printed...
Come Over October - Glass
How 'Come Over October' Brought the Wine World Together (WineAmerica)
Come Over October (COO) sprung from a light bulb moment in January 2024, when noted author & wine writer Karen MacNeil was walking her dog and pondering the plethora of anti-wine messaging filling...
Turning The Tables on Felicity Carter
Six years ago, Wine Industry Advisor debuted Turning the Tables, a monthly series of interviews that shined a spotlight on the journalists and storytellers within the wine world. Developed and spearheaded...
The Astounding Impact of Come Over October: Demanding Attention and Opening Minds
Come Over October Is Driving Wine Conversations — And Sales  By Kathleen Willcox  Come Over October (COO) was launched in May 2024 as a grassroots movement designed to celebrate the social and...
Building Relationships: The Changing Dynamic Between Producer and Distributor
Waiting for your distributor to find the time and sales power to sell your wines is no longer good enough. By Jeff Siegel For years — decades, even — the relationship between a winery and its distributor...
Alice Feiring
Turning the Tables on Alice Feiring
By Carl Giavanti Alice Feiring launched her ongoing website, The Feiring Line, in 2011. She is mostly known as an author, writing six books to date. The first was 2008’s The Battle for Wine and Love: Or...
Ready for a Seasonal Sales Boost? Create a Winning TikTok Campaign
The holidays are around the corner and 2025 budgets are being allotted. TikTok should be in your marketing plan. By Melanie Young Recent changes allowing wine advertising on the TikTok social media platform...
Face to Face: In-Market Events Are Now Essential for DTC Sales
In-market DTC sales can help kick off a domino effect of sales, loyalty and engagement. By Kathleen Willcox  Selling wine through a third party — typically either a store or a restaurant — is foundational...
Break Barriers and Build Relationships with Multicultural Consumers
To be more inclusive, be more inviting. By Melanie Young Statistics show the buying power of Black Americans, Asian Americans and LatinX consumers is stronger than ever. Yet these audiences are often overlooked...
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