Paso Robles Vineyard Sunset / Unsplash
Experts Answer—State of the Wine Industry
This Expert Q & A features Brian Clements, vice president and partner of Turrentine Brokerage, and Dale Stratton, president of Wine Market Council, both of whom will be speaking at this year’s...
Winemaker's barrel trials / Chilli Charlie / Unsplash
Winemaking Barrel Trial: Free SO2 & Potential Wine Quality Impacts
Barrel-by-barrel sampling of free SO2 can potentially help winemakers prevent unnecessary and expensive barrel downgrades. —David Sommer, CTO, BarrelWise Technologies Free sulfur dioxide (SO2) is unique...
Tule Vision in Use
Artificial Intelligence in the Vineyard
Adopting this new vineyard technology is critical to the California grape industry. —Tom Shapland, PhD, CEO and cofounder of Tule Technologies Anything humans can observe with their eyes a computer can...
wine party / unsplash
How to Boost Wine Club Membership
An increase in wine club convenience equates to an increase in wine club members and membership retention. —Zach Kamphuis, general manager, Commerce7 Why should a consumer sign up for a wine club instead...
She Can / Tyler Nix, Unsplash
The Role of Beverage Cans in the Winery Industry
While glass bottles remain the primary packaging medium in wineries, beverage cans have been rising in popularity at a fast pace among consumers. A number of leading wine producers have unveiled canned...
clubhouse logo
How Wineries Can Capitalize on Clubhouse
Imagine being in the same room with Adam Grant, Edward Snowden, and Brittany Kaiserto discuss topics about digital privacy; you can “raise your hand” to speak directly to everyone in the room and ask them...
Expert Editorial
Rebuilding Wine Sales in the Wake of a Pandemic 
Across the country, masks are coming off. Businesses are re-opening. Wine lovers are planning vacations...
Expert Editorial
Sticker Shock: Understanding Rising Replacement Costs in Winery Insurance
With the rash of recent wildfires, not surprisingly, there has been a renewed focus on the part of winery owners in risk mitigation, as well as comprehensive insurance coverage...
Sill Vineyards
Earth Day and Wine Country’s Regeneration
Almost four years after the devastating California firestorms, which started in Napa’s Atlas Peak wine country area, we witness our planet’s regeneration without our interference...
Expert Editorial
Winery Wildfires: How Record Wildfires Are Impacting Wineries Today
The events of recent years have truly tested the resilience of wineries. Wildfires dominating headlines in wine country since 2017 were interrupted briefly by the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, only to...
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