5 Things Every Video Marketer Should Know…Before Production Begins!

We recently celebrated the completion of our 175th wine industry related promotional video and had several people ask us what the “secret” is to creating something that’s actually effective versus “just another marketing spend”.

Well, the secret is… there is no secret! There’s no “right” way a video needs to look in order to be effective.  You can accomplish as  much with a cheap video shot on your phone as you can using a high priced  production team…if you have a plan! We encourage all of our clients to adopt a 5-point approach before starting production. Those that take this to heart, always experience more success than their counterparts and the best news…it’s simple!

  1. Define your Objectives: What are you looking to accomplish? Are we looking to sell wine or tickets to an event? Educate trade? Media? Your goals don’t need to directly impact the financials but do your best to define what it is you’re looking to accomplish.
  2. Who is your Audience: Who’s the primary audience for the video? Existing customers, prospects, club members? Answering this question is critical and drives the next step in the process.
  3. Key Points: What is it we’re trying to leave the viewer with? Sure, you can say a lot in a 3 minute video, but what do you want the viewer to remember when it’s done? Anything in the video that doesn’t accomplish this, consider leaving on the cutting room floor!
  4. Distribution Channels: How are we pushing the video out? In an email, Facebook, YouTube post? I suggest all of the above and then some! Just posting a video on your site and hoping someone sees it and takes some action is like building that Field of Dreams and expecting people to just show up. That’s not a reality…your video needs to be pushed in as many ways as you have access to.
  5. Measure & Evaluate Results: If you do all of the above and leave out the last step…well, why’d you even bother. You MUST track and evaluate the results of your efforts…otherwise you’re just winging it and will never be as effective as you could be. Every long-term successful business tracks their activities and adjusts as needed. Treat your video initiatives the same way and you will always improve over time!

People continue to ask if video is here to stay? You better believe it is, and we’re just getting started. Your customers expect it and there’s no better, more authentic way (other than in-person) for you to communicate what you have to say.  Viewers want to experience your personality and more importantly, your passion!

Standing out and being unique in the wine industry isn’t easy and never will be so leverage the one thing that only you can truly own…YOU!

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