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The Wine Industry Advisor is an Online Industry Publication featuring news and articles relevant to the wine industry. Our goal is to be a resource for wine businesses and professionals by providing free access to our knowledge base articles, industry press releases, and daily news. We aim to provide you with the information most relevant to you.

Afternoon Brief, October 22

Napa County Farm Bureau Releases Fire Prevention Policy and Legislative Recommendations: The Napa County Farm Bureau today released Fire Prevention Policy and Legislative Recommendations based of off extensive policy work that it has conducted over the last two years regarding wildland fires and fire risk mitigation...

Afternoon Brief, October 21

Sonoma Starts Selling the Turbulent 2020 Vintage: It's been a hell of a year, but Sonoma producers have reasons to be cheerful...

Afternoon Brief, October 20

Sonoma County Winegrowers Look to Reset After Unimaginable 2020 Season: Though the 2020 growing season enjoyed near-perfect growing conditions, a mid-August lightning storm during a global pandemic resulted in a dramatic turn for Sonoma County’s winegrapes and a financial blow to the region just as it has with other wine regions across California...

Afternoon Brief, October 19

Many California Wineries Will Make No Wine This Year Because of Wildfire Smoke: But many vineyards were spared, and there will be wine to drink -- especially white wine...

Lake County Winegrape Commission Launches New Visual Identity Reflecting Volcanic Terroir

New Lake County Winegrowers Logo Represents Region's Volcanic Soils, Mountainous Terrain, Sunlight Kelseyville, Calif. October 19, 2020 - The Lake County Winegrape Commission today announced...

Afternoon Brief, October 16

Dry, Warm Winter Could Bring Drought to California, Southwest in 2021: With the world coming off the hottest September since 1880, California’s North Bay to the south is likely to experience a continuance of warmer, drier weather conditions into the winter, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported Thursday...

Winemakers: How Does Your Dirt Stack Up?

Want to know how your wines stack up against those in your particular AVA? Getting together and arranging a group tasting has always been a great idea, but the current pandemic, and the fact that it’s the craziest harvest ever, has made that even more difficult...

Afternoon Brief, October 15

Santa Barbara County Wine Legends for Sale: Longoria wines seeks to sell it all, while Ampelos Cellars offloading vineyard, not brand...

Afternoon Brief, October 14

Family Wine Company Acquires BNA Wine Group’s Portfolio of Wines: Miller Family Wine Company, a division of the industry-leading Thornhill Companies, is pleased to announce their recent acquisition of BNA Wine Group’s portfolio of wines, including the popular Butternut brand...

Afternoon Brief, October 13

Could a Tool to Combat Coronavirus Also Protect Grapevines from an Annual Threat?: Scientists and vintners are exploring using UV lights, now being employed in HVAC systems to reduce the threat of COVID-19, as a weapon against mildew...

Afternoon Brief, October 12

How Winemakers Craft Clean Natural Wines: Why are some natural wines marked by volatile acidity, Brett, and mousiness, while others aren't? Alex Russan investigates...

Wide Variety of El Dorado County Quality Wine Grapes Still for...

PLACERVILLE, CA: As of October 12, 2020, the El Dorado County wine grape harvest marches forward with varieties at different elevations continuing to ripen. Most...

Afternoon Brief, October 9

Wine's COVID Winners and Losers: As the world learns to live with coronavirus, what impact has it had on wine prices?...

Afternoon Brief, October 8

Tariff Wars Cause Sharp Decline in Wine and Whisky Exports: Dozens of global drinks trade bodies have written to the European Union and US government demanding an end to their tariff war after exports of French, German, Italian and Spanish wine have fallen by 54% since last year...

Afternoon Brief, October 7

Wine Country Starts Picking Up the Pieces: Winery and vineyard owners have been through hell this year. How will they recover?...