August 15, 2022
Two key reports on direct-to-consumer (DTC) wines sales have been released, and their findings make for fascinating — if, at times, alarming — reading.
By Kathleen Willcox
Sales growth...
July 25, 2022
Will proposed standardization of shipping laws be an
unintentional setback?
By Jeff Siegel
This month, the Uniform Law Commission (ULC; an attorney committee otherwise best known for promulgating the...
June 1, 2022
Here are five arguments made against DTC that just don’t hold up under scrutiny.
By Alex Koral
Americans spent more than $4 billion on DTC wine shipments in 2021, and polls show broad support among...
May 13, 2022
There’s no question the wine market has changed dramatically since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. When wineries were forced to halt in-person tastings, travel tanked, stores shut down, restaurant...
April 26, 2022
There could well be a silver lining in the number of states that have stepped up enforcement of direct to consumer (DTC) shipping regulations. It’s the idea, say analysts and attorneys, that DTC...
April 13, 2022
By fully understanding what kind of DTC markets are out there, and the different regulatory rules for each, wineries can position themselves to succeed and grow.
By Alex Koral
In the Internet Age, with...
April 6, 2022
By Andrea Smalling and Cathy Huyghe
This year, WineDirect and Enolytics partnered to create their ground-breaking 2021 DTC Impact Report, pairing WineDirect’s robust consumer behavior and purchase-pattern...
April 4, 2022
They want what they want.
—Randy Caparoso
What do wine lovers want?
On one hand, every other day there seems to be a new “natural wine bar” popping up in cities big and small. On the other...
January 25, 2022
Just a few years ago, QR codes were the anchovies of the wine label. A very specific product that consumers would either automatically gravitate toward, or spurn completely.
But the pandemic changed that....
December 27, 2021
Looking back at 2021, there’s been many—even if subtle—shifts in the beverage alcohol direct-to-consumer (DtC) space. More states are opening options for DtC shipping, specific regulations and restrictions...