Expert Editorial
#SauvBlancDay or Everyday: Around the World with Sauvignon Blanc
By Chris Sawyer When the annual International Sauvignon Blanc Day (aka #sauvblancday via social media) takes place on Friday, May 3, there so many so many things to celebrate. In French, sauvignon means...
Expert Editorial
Navigating Smoke Taint and Other Disasters: Wine Manufacturing Strategies to Turn “Noise” into a Rock Opera
Smoke, drought, rain, and other flavor-altering events are what separate the winemakers from the wine masters.A single harvest impacted by mold, smoke, or other faults can take down a vineyard or a farm...
Letters to the editor
Wine Will Never Fall Into the New Tobacco Trap
A title of an article appearing in the March 28, 2019 issue of The Spectator by Christopher Snowden, “The Campaign to Make Alcohol ‘The New Tobacco’”, seems to be more than a shot across the bow of all...
Expert Editorial
5 Tips for Networking at Industry Events for Wine and Spirits Professionals
By Juliana Colangelo, West Coast Director, Colangelo & Partners From annual events like Wine Spectator’s Top 100 and Whiskey Fest to weekly trade tasting groups and regional seminars, there is no...
Expert Editorial
How Can Wineries Reach Millennials? Personal Experience & Shipping Convenience
The “delivery economy” has upended consumer expectations for seamless at-home consumption. Younger buyers, particularly Millennials, now anticipate that businesses will cater to their desire for on-demand...
Expert Editorial
Turning Technical Mountains into Molehills
Here are five tips to help you successfully undertake your winery’s next technical project and turn that mountain into a molehill.
Expert Editorial
How Wineries Can Support Their Restaurant Customers: Tools of the Trade
Wineries, boost your sales by building a strong restaurant connection & by improving your customer service. Here’s how you do it. There is a very good reason for wineries to support their restaurant...
Expert Editorial
Resonating Brand Authenticity
“We are a small, family-owned winery producing award-winning wines from our *estate vineyard/top vineyards) in our region.” This is true. You have heard or read this before. Maybe it’s on your Home page,...
Expert Editorial
Does Wine Need a Nudge Toward Innovation?
There seems to be more discussion taking place within the wine industry pertaining to possible plateauing or even a pullback in U.S. wine consumption. Many propositions are offered as to why there may...
Expert Editorial
Answer These 5 Questions Before Contacting Distributors
By Dave Moore Over the last 20 years the number of U.S. wineries has more than quadrupled. There are now over 9,000 wineries across the country. California is home to around half of those, almost 4,500...
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