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Afternoon Brief May 18

Boxed Wine Aims for the Next Level: Higher-end boxed wines continue to thrive, led by Black Box and Bota Box, which dominate the premium side of the business ...

Afternoon Brief, May 13

Irrigation Method Can ‘Trick’ White Grapes: Washington State University scientists believe they have discovered a sweet spot for irrigating white wine grapes...

Afternoon Brief, May 10

UK Vineyards Close to Amber Warning Over Pesticides: Britain's burgeoning wine industry is facing a new catastrophic scenario over a failure to replace pesticide products whose approval has been revoked, the UK Vineyards Association as warned..

Afternoon Brief, March 30

Unimpressive El Niño Leaves California in Water Limbo: The rain storms and blizzards that were supposed to come with El Niño were conspicuously non-biblical in California this winter, leaving the state in an ecological limbo that has regulators thinking about easing water-use restrictions in some places but not in others...

Afternoon Brief, March 14

End Is Near for European Grapevine Moth: The European Grapevine Moth is on the ropes. A successful collaboration between the wine grape industry, county, state and federal agricultural departments, and University of California experts has brought the pest to near extinction in Napa County and the rest of the state...