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Encouraging Sales
There are lots of ways to encourage customers to buy. When considering various avenues to promote sales, there are a few things you need to think about.    There is always a cost involved with...
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What Makes People Buy?
I was looking into buying patterns on the internet the other day for a couple of sales seminars that I am putting together and came across some very interesting information, which I will be passing along...
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Get in the May Mood
There is a lot going on in the month of May. Mother’s Day is coming up fast. Think of different ways to wish a happy Mother’s Day to mothers and others. For example, if you are a winery that produces and...
Finger Lakes Riesling
Preconceptions Still a Problem for East Coast Wines
The quality of wine produced in the Eastern U.S. continues its upward trajectory, but wineries still struggle with consumer perception and their doubts about the quality.
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Skills That Successful Salespeople Have?
Good salespeople are a company’s best asset, but a good salesperson needs to know more than sales tactics. The most important skill is customer service. Until the customer is engaged emotionally s/he is...
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Are Your Customers Having Fun?
How often do your make your customers smile or laugh? Is it at least once during any interaction? Well almost any interaction, if someone comes in seething with resentment, first you need to relax them,...
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Customer Service: The Good, the Bad, and the Very Ugly
After watching a segment on the television about a couple of companies that offer customer service that is above and beyond the norm, earlier this week, I decided to write my blog on customer service,...
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What About the Wine Label?
I was speaking to a group of wineries and growers recently about sales and marketing of wine and grapes. In the course of the conversation a question was asked about the importance of the wine label. The...
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Emails to Customers
I was at the USBevX conference and trade show in Washington DC in February. It was a great conference with lots of valuable information on a host of topics pertinent to all facets of the beverage industry. In...
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It's Important to Be Important!
It’s nice to feel important. Think about the last time someone (a friend, family member or a business) made you feel important. What does that do to your mood in the moment or the way you feel for the...
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