Smoke Taint: Recent Research Surrounding Grapevine Health and Wine Quality


Consistent increases in wildfire events and their impact on the grape and wine industries are driving the need for better understanding of smoke taint chemistry. Knowing the difference between free and bound volatile compounds, becoming aware of baseline smoke taint tests, and learning and how smoke may—or may not—affect resulting wine quality are all key […]


Growing Forward: Vineyard & Grower Virtual Conference


Decision Time: Preparing for the Risk Factors of Smoke & Fire Exposure Wildfires have become an annual concern for grape growers around the globe, bringing devastation to crops and affecting wine quality for entire vintages. WIN’s latest Growing Forward webinar will prepare winegrowers to make more informed decisions in the event their vineyards are impacted […]

Growing Forward: Lessons from Early Implementers


There is a great deal of new technology and science becoming available to winegrowers each year, and it can be a daunting task to figure out which to prioritize and how to prepare for implementation while managing costs and expectations.  We have put together a panel of three speakers representing vineyards that have adopted new […]

Growing Forward: Vineyard & Grower Virtual Conference


Damaging grapevine diseases caused by virus and virus-like agents, including the red leaf diseases, are becoming widespread in vineyards and can cause significant devastation on grape quality and yield. This […]