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WINnovation Award 2023: Lumo — Helping Growers Fine Tune Their Irrigation Volumes to Provide Better and More Accurate Inputs for Their Crops
The wine industry is constantly faced with new trends, challenges and the pressure to stay ahead of the competition. With that comes the opportunity to innovate.  Each year, Wine Industry Network...
Hotspot Ag Logo
WINnovation Award 2023: HotSpot AG — Taking the Mystery Out of the Fertigation Process
The wine industry is constantly faced with new trends, challenges and the pressure to stay ahead of the competition. With that comes the opportunity to innovate.  Each year, Wine Industry Network...
Turrentine Brokerage: 50 Years of Excellence and Reliability in the Wine Industry
Turrentine Brokerage is excited to celebrate its 50th anniversary, marking a major milestone for the company which was founded by Dan Turrentine in 1973. Drawing on his extensive personal relationships...
AgTech Advances: Automating Irrigation and Measuring Vineyard Vigor
Proving the value of tomorrow’s solutions in today’s vineyards By Laurie Wachter   What’s new in the vineyard? One exciting area of innovation is technology that improves farming in practical ways,...
APS Packaging & Automation: Evolving Technology to Meet Packaging Demands
There is a sense of wonder in the way wine bottles wind their way through the bottling line for rinsing, filling, corking, labeling and packaging. The wine industry has come to rely on the smooth operation...
Vintage 99 - 3up
Intricate Labels and Personalized Service: Vintage 99 Label Mfg, Inc. Dedication to Winery Success
When perusing the aisles of a store or browsing online for that perfect bottle of wine, it’s not just the contents that capture our attention. The presentation plays a critical role in piquing our...
Down to Zero: Ignoring neo-Prohibitionists Could Prove Dangerous to the Wine Industry
The recently completed Lifestyle, Diet, Wine & Health congress in Toledo, Spain, brought together experts from around the world to acknowledge the threat from neo-Prohibitionists and to begin to decide...
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Innovative Platform Redesign Optimizes DTC Sales Opportunities for Wine Industry
WineDirect, the industry leader in terms of providing its global customer base with end-to-end sales solutions from ecommerce to fulfillment, has announced a redesigned platform to fully integrate winery...
WINExpo trial tasting
North Coast's Post-Harvest Gathering: WIN Expo’s 11th Year
Celebrated annual industry event promises learning and networking opportunities. By Laurie Wachter Wine has been grown in California’s North Coast for more than 100 years, but it’s only been in the past...
West Coast Bttles logo
Transparent as Glass: West Coast Bottles’ Unparalleled Customer Service
When wine is ready to be bottled, it’s imperative that a winery has a sufficient supply of quality glass on hand, ready to go. When a winery finds itself without the bottles it needs, it can be a daunting...
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