Fedrigoni Self-Adhesives Offers an Expansive Wine Portfolio

We look forward to the opportunity to show booth visitors our expanded wine portfolio which offers a wide range of premium facestocks, along with a variety of sustainable solutions including recycled content and alternative fibers.

Our expanded wine portfolio facestocks are FSC®-C138765 approved (when applicable) and are available in elegant textures, and diverse colors and provide high-quality performance against wet, cold, ice bucket, and humid environments.  This premium line of papers includes embossed, felt-marked, pearlescent, laid, uncoated, coated, and waterproof papers.

Visitors to booth #1406 will also discover that Fedrigoni Self-Adhesives offers alternative fibers including materials made from renewable plants such as cotton, linen, bamboo, sugar cane, and hemp or from grass fibers and mineral powder.

Fedrigoni Self-Adhesives
Unified Symposium Booth:

Fedrigoni Self-Adhesives is a global leader in the production of premium self-adhesive materials.  We offer a wide range of self-adhesive papers and films in roll and sheet formats, serving numerous industries, focusing on wine and spirits. Our stocks have elegant textures, diverse colors and high-quality performance for wet, cold and humid environments. Discover our latest sustainable solutions including 100% recycled wine and spirits papers and additional alternative fiber materials. Using passion, experience and attention to detail, we are always looking ahead to the future.

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Unified Wine & Grape Symposium trade show at the SAFE Credit Union Conventions Center in Sacramento on January 25-26, 2023.


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