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Ready for a Seasonal Sales Boost? Create a Winning TikTok Campaign

The holidays are around the corner and 2025 budgets are being allotted.
TikTok should be in your marketing plan.

By Melanie Young

Recent changes allowing wine advertising on the TikTok social media platform have opened new doors to gain traction with enthusiastic — and younger — drinking age consumers. 

According to The Wine Market Council Benchmark Segmentation Study (2023/2024), 40% of U.S. wine consumers use TikTok more than once per week. “Now that it’s legal for wineries to advertise on TikTok, it could be a productive platform for wineries to better connect with consumers,” says Liz Thach, MW, president of The Wine Market Council.

Dr. Liz Thach, MW

“TikTok has more than 1.1 billion active users globally, with 60% of them ages 16 to 24. But  40% are older than 30, making it a valuable target for wine brands. Millennials, responsible for 42% of wine consumption, find wine intimidating. TikTok can demystify wine for this audience, making it more approachable and driving sales,” says Chris Kastenholz, cofounder/CEO of digital marketing agency, Pulse Advertising

He adds, “TikTok’s user base is also aging, with 28% above age 30; this lets wine brands target a broader audience, including those with disposable income for premium wines.”

TikTok Advertising Versus Influencer Marketing 

Many wine brands have already been working with TikTok influencers to create content and engage with their audiences. Why pay for advertising?

The difference is trust and credibility. Influencers are seen as more credible, with 49% of consumers trusting their recommendations compared to 33% trusting ads. However, paid ads on TikTok offer precision targeting, letting brands reach specific demographics. Both strategies play vital roles, with influencers building trust and ads amplifying reach,” says Kastenholz. “TikTok ads have an 8.5% engagement rate, higher than other social media platforms. Paid ads allow for scalability, ensuring the message reaches more people.” 

Chris Kastenholz, Pulse Advertising

Another benefit to paid advertising is being able to control the narrative. Influencers create their own content — in their own voice — using your brand. Paid advertising offers precision messaging in your brand’s voice to specific target audiences.

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Know The TikTok Playbook and Develop a Strategy

Jackson Family Wines takes a holistic approach to digital marketing through earned media, influencer partnerships and paid advertising. Kristen Reitzell, senior VP of communications and digital marketing, says, “TikTok is just another new tool in the marketing kit that particularly focuses on a younger demographic.”

To create a winning TikTok campaign, follow the platform’s playbook for success by producing short, engaging video content. “You must be a brand that wants to deliver content in short video form. If you don’t have video content and don’t plan to, you shouldn’t be on TikTok. This is not the place for your beautiful vineyard still photography or four-minute drone video. Find a video editor and make it a small snippet. Many wineries have amazing videos. They just need to learn how to edit to the platform,” says Reitzell. 

“One tip is using the native tools to create content. The algorithm loves it when videos are shot in-app and using TikTok’s CapCut video editing software,” says Brian Feener, founder of BFX Commerce, a digital marketing agency for the alcohol-beverage industry.

Kristen Reitzell, Jackson Family Wines

TikTok’s alcohol advertising guidelines mandate that ads target users over age 21 and prohibit inappropriate messaging and imagery that convey irresponsible drinking. Before launching a campaign, your legal team should review everything to ensure no red flags pop up. Test ads with different segment audiences to assess initial response.

Your call to action also requires consideration. TikTok advertising guidelines do not allow any messaging that promotes either alcohol sales or consumption. This includes discounts, incentives, rewards or advertising alcohol delivery services. Create a call to action within those guidelines that’s easy for users to react to.

Reitzell says, “Make sure your call to action has a seamless online journey that you can take your customer on with minimal disruption. Otherwise, you’re going to lose that customer.”  Examples she provides include making sure your website landing page has prominent click-through links to sign up for your wine club, blog and mailing list. Make it easy to click and purchase your wine in your online store with minimal hoops to jump through.

“We found 80% of our digital traffic comes through a mobile phone. When you’re testing a new website, don’t do it on your desktop, do it on your phone, because that’s how most people are going to see your website,” says Reitzell.

Brian Feener, BFX Commerce

Take Note of What is Trending

Spend time on TikTok and take note of what is gaining traction among users and other consumer products. TikTok is social media’s version of an elevator pitch — short and catchy with just a few seconds to capture viewers. “Knowing about trending audio, trending viewer hooks and other trending content will give you a leg up on this,” says Feener.

Finally, stay authentic and consistent with your brand’s story and voice. Consider your brand not only as a product but as a lifestyle to embrace and enjoy socially with good food. Create a visual and emotional connection that draws people in. And be responsive when they come calling for your wine.


Melanie Young [Bobby Ryan Portraits]
Melanie Young [Bobby Ryan Portraits]

Melanie Young

Melanie Young is a certified specialist of wine and co-host/writer for The Connected Table LIVE, a global podcast featuring conversations with thought leaders in wine, food, spirits & hospitality. Her articles have appeared in Wine Industry News, Wine Enthusiast and Seven Fifty Daily. She travels frequently to report on wine regions, people and events. IG@theconnectedtable


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