wine delivery / istock
DtC Expert Analysis: Lessons Learned in 2021, Predictions for 2022
Looking back at 2021, there’s been many—even if subtle—shifts in the beverage alcohol direct-to-consumer (DtC) space. More states are opening options for DtC shipping, specific regulations and restrictions...
Afternoon Brief, December 9th
Frosts, Heatwaves and Wildfires: As the climate crisis intensifies, the wine industry is increasingly vulnerable and growers across the world are scrambling to find solutions...
Afternoon Brief, October 15th
California Harvests Raise Optimism Levels: In central California AVAs, the later harvest is looking good – but they're not out of the woods yet...
AB Hero Tasting Glasses
Afternoon Brief, October 13th
California Insurance Commissioner Orders Key Fixes for Winery, Vineyard, Farm Insurance Policies After Fire Losses: California’s top insurance regulator on Tuesday announced two key steps intended to help...
United States Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces
Shipping Alcohol DtC—Retailers' Trials and Tribulations
Retailers engaged in direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping of beverage alcohol have faced unexpected setbacks in the last few months. —Alex Koral, Regulatory General Counsel, Sovos ShipCompliant Primarily,...
Afternoon Brief, October 12th
U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Hear Major Wine Shipping Case: The country’s highest court will not decide Sarasota Wine Market v. Schmitt, upholding Missouri’s law banning consumer direct-shipping alcohol...
Afternoon Brief, September 28th
Millennials Drive the Sparkling Wine Category: New insight from Wine Intelligence sparkling wine reports shows some consistent patterns emerging across the major ‘anglosphere’ consumption markets of the...
Afternoon Brief, September 23rd
Females in the Field—How Women in the Vineyard Make for Better Wine Business: Unlike reports on women’s tasting abilities, there are no studies on relative merits of female vs. male vineyard workers,...
AB Hero Sparkling on Ice
Afternoon Brief, September 9th
New Oregon Wine Industry Report Exposes Effects of COVID and 2020 Wildfires: While the majority of Oregon winemakers made wine from grapes from 2020, the year held challenges including a western U.S. weather...
Afternoon Brief, August 31st
Fire Watch: Caldor Fire Burns Big Doubling in Size: The Caldor Fire is only 16% contained as it continues its trajectory toward vacation paradise, Lake Tahoe. Fortunately, it has only skirted vineyards...