Hybrids growing at Milea Estate Vineyard in New York's Hudson Valley AVA / Courtesy Milea Estate Vineyard
Hudson Valley Wine Project Aims to Help Whole US Wine Industry
We’ve all seen the headlines and read the stark reports: climate change, and the unexpected frosts, hailstorms, droughts, floods, and fires that come along with it threaten to shrink the regions suitable...
Nomen wine packaging
PET Bottles—The Future of Wine Packaging
Between supply chain issues, sustainability initiatives, and an increase in the DtC market space, producers are investing in the light-weight alternative wine bottle. —Jeff Siegel The bottle from Oregon’s...
Rootdown Cellars built there brand on lesser-known varieties, like Trousseau
Old & Obscure Is New & Cool in Wine Country
As climate change charts new, unpredictable temperature and weather patterns, the pursuit of outstanding wine means turning to lesser-known grape varieties.  —Kathleen Willcox Old, rare grape varieties...
David Markel, Research and Development Manager at Willamette Valley Vineyards, turns on UV-C Robot
Vineyard Tech & The Green Cyber Revolution
Wine Industry Advisor dives into the modern vineyard where satellites, AI, and robotics all work toward more sustainable viticulture. —Kathleen Willcox The wine industry has been slower than others when...
Vineyards at Château Haut-Rian
Climate Has Changed—How Global Wine Regions Are Responding
Wine Industry Advisor reached out to scientists and vintners around the world to get a sense of how vulnerable wine regions are addressing the “code red” climate threat. In August, the United Nations’...
Left: galets in Chateauneuf-du-Pape / Flickr; Right: Lodi’s sandy loam soil / Randy Caparoso Photography
Nothing Wrong with Hot Climate Winegrowing
Some of the best wines of the Old and New World are produced in hot climate regions. —Randy Caparoso I once attended a Hospice du Rhône in Paso Robles—which used to be a yearly (but is now an occasional)...
OENODIA Helps Winemakers Battle the Impact of Climate Change on Wine Acidity with STARS®pH.
The proprietary Oenodia STARS® technology is well known for its groundbreaking use of electrodialysis to extract potassium, calcium and tartrates from wine before bottling. The controlled...
AB Hero Shrivelled Grapes
Afternoon Brief, December 13
The Financial Penalty Wineries Now Pay for Climate Change: There is a hidden cost of climate change to wine producers and the Australian wine industry had a small taste of it in the lead up to Christmas,...
Wine Industry Well Equipped to Meet Climate Change Challenges
“Wine people are interested in surviving and succeeding and will work within the natural boundaries they are given,” says Jim Trezise, President of WineAmerica. He has his finger on the pulse of the wine...
Bolstering Grapevines to Handle the Effects of Climate Change
Bolstering Grapevines to Handle the Effects of Climate Change: BluVite (pronounced bloo veetay) was developed in Italy by BluAgri about 10 years ago to help grape growers deal with the inevitability of...
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