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Tag: Climate Change

The Future of Water Workshop

Wine grape quality is closely tied to the right amount of water, at the right time. One of the most critical agricultural concerns with...

Eastward, Ho! Winegrowers Embrace England’s Rising Temperatures

England’s wine industry is reaping benefits from climate change. By James O’Connell   Recently Jackson Family Wines, Taittinger, Pommery and the world’s biggest sparkling wine firm, Germany’s...
Hail damage at Callaghan Vineyards

Growing Pains: Winemakers Reflect on a Changing Climate

As temperatures creep up (or down), winemakers make plans and prepare for what’s to come. By Laura Ness How is climate change impacting grape growing in...

Wine’s Most Inspiring People 2023: Warren Winiarski — Viticulturist, Preservationist, Philanthropist

By Laura Ness It’s hard to imagine what the wine world would be like if not for Warren Winiarski, the visionary who saw something special...

Expert Editorial: How Automation Is Transforming Our 8,000-Year-Old Industry

New technology is helping wineries prepare for the unexpected, from preventable human error to wildfires, droughts and beyond. By Keith Chambers  For generations, winemakers around the...

Agrology Partners with Google Cloud to Help Farmers Combat Climate Change...

Google Cloud technology helps Agrology accomplish its work to bring sustainability-driven business transformation to farming Alexandria, VA, September 7, 2022 — Agrology, a leading Predictive...
[Photo courtesy Saverglass]

Under Pressure: Behind the Battle to Lighten Champagne’s Bottle Weights

The standard Champagne bottle — 1,250 grams at the beginning of the 20th century, has lightened considerably. The industry as a whole is continuing...

Using Yeast to Combat Climate Change and Improve Flavor

Yeast is to winemaking what faith is to religion. Without that one essential element, the rest collapses. Today, tech innovations are letting vintners use...
Marselan—one of the newly INAO-approved Bordeaux grape varieties

Hot Grapes for a Hot (Cold, Hailing, Rainy) World

The climate is changing, and overall is trending warmer. That trend is “unequivocally” tied to human activity, and is “proceeding at a rate that is...
Hybrids growing at Milea Estate Vineyard in New York's Hudson Valley AVA / Courtesy Milea Estate Vineyard

Hudson Valley Wine Project Aims to Help Whole US Wine Industry

We’ve all seen the headlines and read the stark reports: climate change, and the unexpected frosts, hailstorms, droughts, floods, and fires that come along...
Nomen wine packaging

PET Bottles—The Future of Wine Packaging

Between supply chain issues, sustainability initiatives, and an increase in the DtC market space, producers are investing in the light-weight alternative wine bottle. —Jeff Siegel The...
Rootdown Cellars built there brand on lesser-known varieties, like Trousseau

Old & Obscure Is New & Cool in Wine Country

As climate change charts new, unpredictable temperature and weather patterns, the pursuit of outstanding wine means turning to lesser-known grape varieties.  —Kathleen Willcox Old, rare grape...
David Markel, Research and Development Manager at Willamette Valley Vineyards, turns on UV-C Robot

Vineyard Tech & The Green Cyber Revolution

Wine Industry Advisor dives into the modern vineyard where satellites, AI, and robotics all work toward more sustainable viticulture. —Kathleen Willcox The wine industry has been...
Vineyards at Château Haut-Rian

Climate Has Changed—How Global Wine Regions Are Responding

Wine Industry Advisor reached out to scientists and vintners around the world to get a sense of how vulnerable wine regions are addressing the...
Left: galets in Chateauneuf-du-Pape / Flickr; Right: Lodi’s sandy loam soil / Randy Caparoso Photography

Nothing Wrong with Hot Climate Winegrowing

Some of the best wines of the Old and New World are produced in hot climate regions. —Randy Caparoso I once attended a Hospice du Rhône...