Wineries and Automated Packaging Solutions: The Perfect Pairing
Packaging automation increases production and improves line efficiency. Almost two-thirds of consumer-packaged goods (CPG) companies have automated their packaging and processing lines, but wineries have...
Bouchard Canadell Montage
CANADELL: Cooperage-grade Oak Adjuncts. 100% French Oak Quercus SP Duramen with Full Traceability to PEFC Standards
CANADELL ensures the quality and consistency of its oak adjuncts by overseeing the entire manufacturing process, from selecting trees in the forest to seasoning, fabricating, toasting, packaging and...
Maverick Crealis
State-of-the-Art Manufacturing Companies Merge to Provide Full Service Coverage for North American Bottle Closure Market
An Exciting New Merger to Increase Customer Service and Expand Closure Solutions In an exciting development for worldwide wine and spirits, Maverick, the leading capsule manufacturing company for North...
New Tech Solutions to Disruptive Industry Problems
The wine industry’s innovation journey to solve winemaking issues begins with partnerships The impact of wildfires on grapes, wine, and the bottom line is a steadily growing worry for the West Coast wine...
Finding Cost Efficiencies During A Supply Chain Crisis
Time to check the math; how running bulk glass could be cheaper than cased ware Gas prices are surging, inflation is rising, and glass supply chains are in gridlock. The result is escalating glass bottle...
O'Neill Worms 2
BioFiltro Reimagines Winery Process Water to Enhance Vineyards and Provide WDR Compliance
Grape growers and winemakers are changing traditional farming, winemaking, and other practices in response to the ongoing drought and labor shortages, the recent pandemic, and the threat of wildfires. As vineyard...
New Year, New Solutions: Innovative Compliance Software Offers Growth Through Technology
A passion for tax compliance isn’t the primary reason most people enter the wine industry, but for Michael Dominguez, dedication to this discipline has been a consistent theme for almost a decade. His...
Revolutionary Wine Closure Company Continues to Drive “Sustainable Innovation"
Vinventions, the most comprehensive provider of closure solutions for the global wine marketplace, has always been ahead of the curve. Since its inception in 1999, Vinventions has been the source of innovative...
Steamericas Pelligrini Barrels 2
Steam Is a Better Clean for Barrels, Says Winemaker Charlie Fauroat
Pellegrini Wine Company used to clean barrels with a pressure washer followed by ozone. That changed in 2016, as California was emerging from a five-year drought that had impacted agricultural access to...
NeuroTags Clos LaChance
Wine and Spirits Industry Brands Recognize Value of NeuroTags Consumer Marketing Technology
Given the anonymity of consumers who buy wine at retail, direct customer contact to create brand loyalty driven incremental sales is virtually impossible. Up until now, that is. Today, NeuroTags,...
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