Wine and Basketball: Brands Partner with the NBA and WNBA to Attract New Fans
Leveraging the decades-long link between basketball and wine to attract new consumers By Kathleen Willcox  The business of selling anything, from widgets to wine, to a younger generation often requires...
Boosting Brands: How to Grow (and Retain) Sales
Communication is key if you want to attract new customers — and retain existing ones. By Kathleen Willcox   First you need to sell your wine. Next you need to retain your customer. The link between...
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Great North West: Washington Wine Thrives as Other Regions Struggle
How is the Evergreen State beating the odds in a challenging marketplace? By Kathleen Willcox   There’s always that one person who manages to look like a model in every picture while everyone else...
Winning Outreach: Wine Marketing Awards Seek to Inspire and Inform
Nominations close March 15 for these revived honors. By Kathleen Willcox    Awards are generally designed to recognize and reward excellence, innovation and creativity. The Wine Marketing Awards...
Sequoia Grove Winery, Napa, California
Win Win Wine: How to Build and Broadcast an Authentic Wine-Charity Partnership
Demonstrating that a nonprofit is everything it seems to be, and establishing just how much support a winery is giving to its cause, is essential.  By Kathleen Willcox   In an era of fake news,...
Wine's Most Inspiring People 2024: Sam Parra — Elevating the Latinx Community in Wine
By Kathleen Willcox    For decades, the Venn Diagram intersection of the Latinx and the wine communities happened solely in the vineyard. Slowly but surely, that’s changing — thanks to people...
OPC 2023 Aaron Lieberman
Wine's Most inspiring People 2024: Aaron Lieberman — Walking the Wine Walk for Oregon’s LGBTQ+ Community
By Kathleen Willcox   As any CEO (or parent) worth their salt knows, going out and doing the thing — instead of pontificating about the importance of going out and doing the thing — is the best way...
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Wine's Most Inspiring People 2024: Deborah Brenner — Making the Wine Business Safer and More Inclusive
By Kathleen Willcox    Deborah Brenner built her career on creating spaces for and celebrating women in places where, while they weren’t necessarily unwelcome, they certainly weren’t a notable...
Wine’s Most Inspiring People 2024: Duff Bevill — Propelling Sustainability in Sonoma County and Beyond
By Kathleen Willcox  Duff Bevill grew up in Southern California, and says he “couldn’t wait” to “get away from L.A. and get to farmland up north.” That passion for Northern California’s green spaces...
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What Is the New Normal When It Comes to Wine Tastings?
Is there a way for brands to meet the lofty expectations of guests without scaring them away with sky-high fees? By Kathleen Willcox   In 2019, wine tasting fees and experiences ran the gamut from...
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