Clear Commitment: Wineries' Sustainable Glass Messaging
Wineries tailor their marketing messages to reflect what is unique about them and their wines, but messaging can be even more potent when it aligns with the target consumer’s values. For example,...
Quality Breakthrough: Rapid Brett Detection in Your Lab
There’s nothing worse than having a customer open a bottle of wine expecting pleasant aromas and instead smelling off-putting barnyard or dead mouse aromas. Because Brettanomyces bruxellensis (Brett)...
New Research on Wine Consumption Trends: Navigating the Generational Shift from Boomers to Millennials & Gen X
We keep hearing that “wine consumption habits” are changing, Baby Boomers are aging, and that we should pay attention to new customer groups…but what does that mean? How are other age groups consuming...
RedChirp - Update card on file text exchange 3
Innovative Text Message Marketing Company Revolutionizes DTC Communications and Sales Across Wine Industry
Recent statistics may have some experts predicting a less-than-rosy outlook for the global wine market this year, but since 2020, DTC sales have been bucking trends and innovators like RedChirp® are the...
Golf and Good Vibes: The Par Then Bar Open Tournament
Imagine a warm and sunny day in May. You’re walking across the green fairway of a golf course (or riding in a cart if you prefer), surrounded by vineyards and oak-studded rolling hills. When you...
Mapping Joy: HipMaps Enhances the Winery Experience
When wine enthusiasts visit a tasting room, they usually have a general knowledge of the winery’s reputation and its wine region. They’re looking forward to tasting and learning more about the wines and...
Verdi Software Platform
The Next Generation of Irrigation Tech Detects Clogged Emitters and Eliminates Crop Variability
Vineyard management has never been easy and crop variability is one persistent issue that has not been resolved. Having successfully proven the technology for multiple seasons with industry leaders like...
IntelliCulture Is Breaking New Ground in Farm Management & Performance Metrics
Farming is a tough business these days. From the impacts of environmental challenges to the rising costs of running a farm, agricultural producers face countless hurdles. Yet, despite the odds, many family...
GOlite Expands SmartBarrel's Reach to Primary Fermentation
The makers of SmartBarrel Wine Storage system are proud to announce the introduction of GOlite, a new fermentation head that enables primary fermentation in SmartBarrel liners. It is suitable...
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Leading Global Glass Manufacturer Implements 3-Part Plan for a Sustainable Future Throughout the Industry
With 10,000 employees, 34 glass production facilities in 12 countries and manufacturing upwards of 17 billion glass bottles and jars per year, Verallia, the world’s third largest producer of glass...
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