Bridge Lane Canned Wine conveyor
Is It Time to Kick the (Wine) Can?
Canned wine seems to have plateaued in the U.S., despite many opportunities for growth —Jeff Seigel What does it say about canned wine’s future that one of the most successful products comes from a beer...
AB Hero Young Vines
Afternoon Brief, September 15th
North Coast Judge Denies Release of Wine Held in Smoke Damage Case: A Sonoma County wine grape grower had a setback in trying to convince a Lake County judge to order the release of tens of thousands of...
Afternoon Brief, September 10th
Fire Watch: CalFire Continues Caldor Containment, Sierra Wine Country Begins Recovery: Amador and El Dorado vintners deal with physical injuries, smoke-tainted grapes, and contract cancellations...
Afternoon Brief, September 7th
South Korea Closes in on US as Most Attractive Global Wine Market: The United States has once again topped the list of the most attractive wine markets in the world, though its lead over #2 South Korea...
Wine Intelligence
South Korea Closes in on US as Most Attractive Global Wine Market
New Global Compass 2021 Report from Wine Intelligence Measures and Ranks Market Attractiveness for Wine in 50 Key Countries  September 7th – London – The United States has once again topped...
Afternoon Brief, September 1st
Paso Robles' Justin Vineyards and Winery Buys Napa's Lewis Cellars: Justin's owner, the Wonderful Company, aims to expand Lewis' audience while adding a luxury brand to their portfolio...
AB Hero Sparkling Wine Glass
Afternoon Brief, August 18th
Redefining the Definition of Balanced Wine: Talking about “balanced wine” used to be perfectly acceptable—until about ten years ago, when the term suddenly became politicized...
AB Hero Tasting Glasses
Afternoon Brief, August 11th
In-Person 5th Annual Wine & Weed Symposium Is Success: Wine Industry Network (WIN) hosted the 5th Annual Wine & Weed Symposium on August 5th at the Hyatt Regency Sonoma Wine Country in Santa Rosa, CA....
AB Hero Vineyard Fan
Afternoon Brief, August 3rd
State Cuts Off Hundreds of Russian River Growers, Ranchers and Others in Drastic Bid to Save Water: A day long dreaded by hundreds of ranchers, grape growers, farmers, water providers and towns arrived...
Afternoon Brief, July 30th
California Wine Country Rebuilds as Threats Persist: The drought in Northern California is severe, and the risk of fires remains high. But winemakers are trying to adapt to climate change...
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