Parasitized vine mealybug (on the right) and vine mealybug crawler in the immature stage (on the left)
Expert Editorial: Mobilize a Well-Trained Vineyard Crew for Pest Scouting and IPM
Your greatest detection tool may already be in your vineyard. By Thomas Grandperrin    Field scouting is a fundamental component of a successful integrated pest management (IPM) program, yet...
Vineyard Pest Scouting Map Esri
Why a Leading Central Coast Vineyard Is Transitioning to Organic Production
The transition to organic wine grape growing can be seen as a high-risk process, and growers often wonder if positive results published by academic researchers will actually translate to their bottom lines...
From Industrial Pesticides to Integrated Pest Management: A New Trend in Vineyard Practices
Thomas Grandperrin of UAV-IQ Precision Agriculture Grape growers are facing increased threats from invasive insect pests. The issue with those non-native species is that there are often no naturally...