Expert Editorial
Why Are Generation Dates Not Consistent?
Recently I was asked why a wine market segmentation I published last year showing the percentage of wine consumed by Millennials, Gen X, Gen Z and Boomers was not consistent with a more recent study.....
Expert Editorial
Oregon’s Largest Wine Auction Goes Virtual in August 2020
This year organizers of the 3-day Oregon Wine Experience are hoping to break the $1 million mark as the auction weekend, just like many others across the country, is forced to go online due to COVID-1...
Brenae Royal
Solutions and Words of Wisdom from Black Female Vineyard Manager, Brenae Royal
Solutions and Words of Wisdom from Black Female Vineyard Manager, Brenae Royal: When Blake Gray published his ground-breaking interview with four black wine sales professionals at E&J Gallo, and I read...
Virtual Vineyard Tour
The Future of Virtual Wine Tourism
The Future of Virtual Wine Tourism: In the past few months, many wineries have had to figure out how to schedule virtual tastings, but this is only one aspect of online wine tourism...
Expert Editorial
What Are the Top Ten Free Online Wine Education Options?
By Fiona Fang and Liz Thach One of the most fascinating aspects of wine, according to many wine aficionados, is that there is always something new to learn. Indeed, with more than 1000 grape varieties...
AB Hero Wine Keyboard
Afternoon Brief, December 2
Taking the Direct Route to Wine: Direct to Consumer (DtC) sales are rapidly growing in the US as more states relax their rules, benefiting both producer and consumer alike. However, treasury departments...
Expert Editorial
Which Famous Wine Region Seeks Amicable Divorce from Neighbor?
by Liz Thach, MW Many global wine regions recognize the benefits of working collaboratively with other regions, even forming associations and alliances to travel and market together. However, in some cases,...
Luxury Wine Marketing
New Book Reveals Surprising Data on Size of Luxury Wine Market
Written by: Sonoma State University professor, Dr. Liz Thach, MW and Peter Yeung Rohnert Park, CA – The Wine Business Institute in the School of Business and Economics at Sonoma State University is pleased...
Expert Editorial
Crafting a Digital Marketing Scorecard for the US Wine Industry
Ecommerce is booming in most consumer retail industries, with nearly 80% of US consumers now shopping online, according to Pew Research. This has caused the world of digital marketing to explode as major...
Wine Business Institute Research Summit July 10
Industry Leaders to gather at Sonoma State University for inaugural research and education conference of wine professionals and academic scholars Sonoma County, California – The Wine Business Institute...
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