September 7, 2023
New Jersey Judge Upholds Retail Shipping Ban: Once again, the courts deem retail sales to be different than winery offerings...
April 28, 2022
Champagne Nukes Its Own Vineyards: Champagne's backstep from its own environmental principles is playing out in its vineyards, which increasingly resemble a nuclear wasteland...
April 14, 2022
Kosher wines have come a long way in the U.S.. By Laura Ness Passover begins at sundown on April 15 and lasts 8 days. The highlight is the Seder, two nights of tradition and storytelling, accompanied...
July 22, 2021
Photo by Mariana Calderon OXNARD, CA (July 22, 2021) – Herzog Wine Cellars, a Southern California winery owned and operated by America’s oldest wine making family, is pleased to announce and welcome...
September 4, 2019
Today’s Kosher Wines Stand Up to Any Other Top-Rated Wine, Says Noted Wine Expert Bayonne, NJ, SEPT. 3, 2019 – Rosh Hashana, the holiday that marks the New Year on the Jewish calendar, is around the corner,...
May 8, 2014
Healdsburg gets OK to use treated wastewater for vineyards: After months of delay, Healdsburg finally has approval to use reclaimed water from its sewer treatment plant to irrigate vineyards in a wide...