Sequoia Grove Winery, Napa, California
Win Win Wine: How to Build and Broadcast an Authentic Wine-Charity Partnership
Demonstrating that a nonprofit is everything it seems to be, and establishing just how much support a winery is giving to its cause, is essential.  By Kathleen Willcox   In an era of fake news,...
Lake County Wine Auction 2023
The Lake County Wine Auction is the charitable arm of the Lake County wine industry in the form of a partnership between Lake County wineries, grape growers, related businesses and individuals. Formed...
Holiday Wine / iStock
'Tis the Season: Wineries That Give Back With Every Bottle Purchase
Doing good can translate into doing well. Consumers want to give back, and brands that empower them to do just that, while simultaneously acquiring a product they want to buy anyway, can engender loyalty...
Lisa Mattson After and Before Hero
Jordan Winery's Lisa Mattson, Rebuilding and Giving Back After the Wildfires
Lisa Mattson wasn’t home when the garage of her house in Fountaingrove burned during the October 2017 Sonoma County wildfires, but she returned from Spain to find a home so damaged that, although standing,...