AB Hero Cork
Afternoon Brief, May 5
US Drinkers Have Increased Wine Consumption During Lockdown, Led by More Involved Drinkers, as Interest in Locally Produced Wine Surges: America's 77 million regular wine drinkers upped their frequency...
AB Hero Glamor Grapes
Afternoon Brief, April 8
Off-Premise Wine Sales Boom Weakening: The off-premise alcohol purchasing frenzie sparked by the pandemic lockdown peaked in the first full week, and wine sales were down -24% comparatively in the following...
Howard Hewitt and farm equipment
Turning the Tables on Howard Hewitt
“Turning the Tables – Interviewing the Interviewers” is a Q&A series profiling Wine Writers. Howard Hewitt is a retired writer, marketer, and digital marketing professional located in Indianapolis, In...
Meridith May
Turning the Tables on Meridith May
“Turning the Tables – Interviewing the Interviewers” is a Q&A series profiling Wine Writers. We hope you’ll discover more about the wine writers you know, and learn about many others. The objective of...
Tom Wark
Turning the Tables on Tom Wark
“Turning the Tables – Interviewing the Interviewers” is a Q&A series profiling Wine Writers. TOM WARK is wine industry marketing and media relations specialist...
Michael Cervin
Turning the Tables on Michael Cervin
“Turning the Tables – Interviewing the Interviewers” is a Q&A series profiling Wine Writers. MICHAEL CERVIN is a freelance writer based in Santa Barbara, California...
Ellen Landis
Turning the Tables on Ellen Landis
“Turning the Tables – Interviewing the Interviewers” is a Q&A series profiling Wine Writers. We hope you’ll discover more about the wine writers you know, and learn about many others.
Eric Degerman
Turning the Tables on Eric Degerman
“Turning the Tables – Interviewing the Interviewers” ” is a Q&A series profiling Wine Writers. ERIC DEGERMAN is president/CEO for Great Northwest Wine — an award-winning news website that covers the wine...
Karen MacNeil
Turning the Tables on Karen MacNeil
“Turning the Tables – Interviewing the Interviewers” ” is a Q&A series profiling Wine Writers. KAREN MACNEIL is one of the foremost wine experts in the United States...
Erin James 3x2
Turning the Tables on Erin James
“Turning the Tables – Interviewing the Interviewers” ” is a Q&A series profiling Wine Writers. We hope you’ll discover more about the wine writers you know, and learn about many others.
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