February 10, 2020
“Turning the Tables – Interviewing the Interviewers” is a Q&A series profiling Wine Writers. TOM WARK is wine industry marketing and media relations specialist...
February 7, 2020
“Making wine is an art NOT a Business. Be an artist at that time and produce the best art. Selling wine is a business NOT an art. Have a business mindset and not the mindset of an artist.” A lot of people...
February 5, 2020
Welcome to part two of Turning Guests into Converts. Today, we address Categories Two and Three: Guests who come regularly to see you and converts who will tell the world about your winery, wines and why...
February 3, 2020
Has the time come for small and medium wineries to move beyond the 3-tier distribution system? Should they build direct-to-retailer (DTR) networks across states just as they have developed direct-to-consumer...
January 29, 2020
In this week and next week’s blogs we are going to take a look into the very different types of people who walk into wineries and what kinds of questions you can ask to each of the different categories...
January 22, 2020
Your winery guests will usually fall into one of three categories: Category One: First time or occasional visitors who may or may not know much about wine and may or may not buy your wines. Category Two:...
Picking a Distributor for Your Wine Brand Is Tough. Here’s Why You Should Go with a Beer Distributor
January 20, 2020
As a wine brand, one of the most important decisions you make is picking your distributor. Finding the right distributor to represent your brand is a tough task. Before you pick a distributor, there are...
January 17, 2020
This year the Sonoma County Winegrowers’ annual Dollars and $ense meeting was held in conjunction with the Sonoma County Vintners, and Glenn Proctor, Board of Directors Chairman for the Sonoma County Winegrowers...
January 17, 2020
It’s fitting that David Ramey has a Bachelor’s in Literature because he’s pretty much written the book on crafting fine Chardonnays from distinctive California vineyards. But his influence goes beyond...
January 16, 2020
Over the holidays, I stopped to taste the extraordinary array of wines at Castoro Cellars in Paso Robles and almost tripped over the SIP certified sign at the entrance. This winery is proud of their role...