Who Cannabis Consumer
A Detailed Look at the Cannabis Consumer
The curious, the fearful, and the opportunists will all have an occasion to get a glimpse of who the cannabis consumer is and what opportunities or concerns there may be to glean for the wine industry...
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What Does Selling Premium Wines Mean?
Last week’s blog talked about the different categories that wine may fall into both by price and quality. The next few blogs are going to focus on what it takes to produce higher price, higher quality...
3 Tier Talk
Think About Your Brand Rep as a Shared Service to Launch Your Sales
In the last week alone I or someone on my team has used Uber, TaskRabbit, Uber Eats, and Handy from an app on our collective phone(s). We use these services because buying a car and having a...
How the Pennsylvania Wine Industry Is Rising to the Top
For years, Pennsylvania’s wine industry was growing in numbers and scope but stagnant in legislative and financial support, especially when compared to neighboring states such as New York and Virginia...
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Placing Wines by Category and Price
It used to be that there were two or three wine price categories. The three were low priced wines, medium priced wines and high priced wines. That doesn’t seem to be the case these days. I was...
Man of Steele: 50 Harvests and Counting
There aren’t many of Jed Steele’s contemporaries still making wine. Most have hung up their hoses and gone fishing, or passed on to the great vineyard in the sky. Few have as many stories to tell as this...
Liz Gehl
Will Cannabis Present Cross-Over Opportunities for Wine Industry Professionals?
Liz Gehl, founder and chief recruiter of Gehl Search Partners, has been recruiting in the adult beverage industry for several years, and sees many opportunities starting to present themselves in the fledgling...
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It’s Not Only What but When
Engagement with customers is not only about what you tell them, it is also about when. If you want customers’ visits to your winery to be remembered, when you give your customers information is as important...
3 Tier Talk
Weed Should Scare You!
When I say weed should scare you I am not talking about You, the reader, I am speaking about the very basic, everyday, mundane, generic wine, beer, or spirit. Weed, the actual THC, is not scary at...
Sandhill Winery Acoustic Art
Improving the Guest Experience in a Tasting Room Using Artful Display to Control Acoustics
Believe Everything You Hear! A quick search of the internet for information on the influence of sound on people’s sense of taste turns up countless studies examining this phenomenon and all come to a similar...
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