Share and Pair Sundays Text essage MArketing
New Ways to Engage Wine Lovers: Share & Pair Sundays + Text Message Marketing
Looking for fresh ways to engage your customers and boost DTC sales this spring? We’ve got the perfect opportunity! Join Karen MacNeil—bestselling author and co-creator of Share & Pair Sundays—Kristine...
Afternoon Brief, February 20
Loss of Winegrape Smoke Exposure Researchers Criticised: UC Davis researchers have been working on ways to mitigate the effects of climate change in viticulture. Now some of that research is at risk of...
Share and Pair + Redchirp
 Noted Wine Authority Karen MacNeil and RedChirp  Collaborate to Help Wineries Promote Share & Pair  Sundays, by the Come Over October Team 
February 20th, 2025 — Wineries seeking innovative ways to engage wine lovers and drive DTC  sales this spring now have a powerful new tool at their disposal. RedChirp, the wine industry’s  leading...
Share and Pair Sundays - Press Conference
'Share & Pair Sundays' Wine Advocacy Press Conference
On behalf of COME TOGETHER, the mission-driven company founded by Karen MacNeil, Gino Colangelo, and Kimberly Noelle Charles, we are pleased to invite you to our Virtual Launch of the ‘Share & Pair...