Winemaking Excellence: Exploring New Tools and Techniques
Addressing early harvest, precursor aromas, oak consistency and health-conscious winemaking  By Laurie Wachter   Winemakers often experiment, run tests and make adjustments in their winemaking...
Branch Out Presentation 920
Oak Research Continues to Yield New Precision Oenology Tools
The phenolic and aromatic compounds affecting wine profiles make up only 5-10% of untoasted oak, and those compounds can vary widely not just between oak species and forest locations, but even more between...
Harvest Analysis: Crafting Wines with Precision and Quality
Two potential problems marked an otherwise good harvest for California grape growers: Heatwaves and fire. Each may have affected the grapes’ development and require winemakers to make specific adjustments...
Oak Infusion Spiral Offers Free Samples and Introduces Big Roast Blend
Introducing the new Oak Infusion Spiral Big Roast Blend, a multi-toast American oak through-bung oak alternative that delivers big, dark-toasted oak to robust red wines. Each barrel pack includes up to...