November 27, 2023
By Carl Giavanti Eric Asimov is the chief wine critic of The New York Times and the author of How to Love Wine: A Memoir and Manifesto, published by William Morrow, and Wine With Food: Pairing Notes and...
October 14, 2016
Loss of Sales, Result of Wine Industry’s Failure to Meet Mobile Challenge: Have wine brands across the industry embraced promoting themselves through the use of mobile apps? Scott Stanchak, who teaches...
September 27, 2016
Millennials on How Their Generation Engages with Wine: The millennial consumer continues to rise in prominence for the wine industry, but being able to identify the important trends and mediums to connect,...
October 31, 2014
Militant French winemakers strike social security building: Vandals claiming allegiance to the French militant winemaker group Comite d'Action Viticole have attacked social security offices in Languedoc...