IVES Study: Does Barrel Size Influence White Wine Aging Quality?
WIA thanks International Viticulture and Enology Society (IVES) for permission to reprint this article. This research is aimed to highlight chemical and sensory differences in Sauvignon Blanc wines linked...
AB Hero Albrigi Control Panel
Afternoon Brief, December 19
Improving the Tasting Room Experience Can Lead to Higher Revenue: Wine tourism is becoming a more important source of revenue, which means maximising sales at the cellar door. Felicity Carter asks how...
IVES Study: How to Better Estimate Bunch Number at Field Level
In viticulture, early-season estimation of average number of grape bunches per vine is crucial for vineyard planning, investments and marketing
IVES Study: Impact of Whole Bunch Vinification on the Abundance of Sweetening Compound Astilbin
Whole-bunch vinification is a practice that can change the sensory properties of wine. Experimental wines resulting from the addition of stems in varying ...
AB Hero Vines
Afternoon Brief, August 17th
Plans to Rebuild After Wildfire Damages Rare Vines in Crete: Growers in Crete who saw old, pre-phylloxera vines severely damaged by wildfire are determined to rebuild and have been offered support from...