Afternoon Brief, January 3rd
These Elite Napa Estates Are Releasing Wines from a Fire-Ravaged Year. Do They Taste Smoky?: Two years after the hazy, chaotic days of the 2020 wine harvest, a season bookended by sprawling wildfires,...
Winemakers Look to the Future: A Quick 2-Question Survey
As we head into 2023, WIA asked winemakers from across the country to share their hopes for the coming year — and delineate what challenges lie ahead. Due to an overwhelming number of responses, comments...
Sept 11
Afternoon Brief, September 11
Smart Branding Key to Future Wine Sales: The wine industry has often been among the slowest to react to economic change. As the United States pulls into a decade of recession and recovery, wine executives...
Veritas Vineyards
Central Virginia Wine In Pursuit of Excellence
Two hundred years after writing, “we could, in the United States, make as great a variety of wines as are made in Europe: not exactly of the same kinds, but doubtless as good,” Thomas Jefferson’s dream...
ABrief  July 12
Afternoon Brief, July 12
Winery Events Study Comes Before Sonoma’s Board of Supervisors: A lengthy process to evaluate how to control, permit or deny events at Sonoma County's 447 wineries and tasting rooms comes to a head on...
ABrief  June 30
Afternoon Brief, June 30
Inside the Mind of a Sommelier: Coming up with one of those enormous mega wine lists that typify the high-end dining experience seems a daunting task...
ABrief  June 21
Afternoon Brief, June 21
How Vivino Plans to Become the Amazon of Wine: One day about seven years ago, Danish entrepreneur Heini Zachariassen found himself standing in front of an enormous wine shelf at his local supermarket and...
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