Afternoon Brief, February 11th
Big Is Beautiful for California’s 2021 Grape Harvest: Alarm bells are ringing for Sauvignon Blanc lovers as supply gets tight – but Cabernet is booming...
Afternoon Brief, February 10th
US Treasury Pushes Alcohol Reforms: A just-published report into the US alcohol industry could be good news for consumers – but bad for wholesalers...
AB Hero Tasting Glasses
Afternoon Brief, February 9th
Napa County Delays Walt Ranch Hearing amid Conflict-Of-Interest Allegations: Sonoma County Vintners in collaboration with presenting sponsor American AgCredit will honor four Sonoma County Icons and Innovators...
AB Hero Vineyard Fan
Afternoon Brief, February 8th
Has U.S. Wine Industry Consolidation Gone Too Far?: Is the U.S. wine industry becoming too concentrated, with just a few big firms dominating the marketplace? That, more or less, was one of the questions...
Set of multiple red wine bottles isolated on white
Counterfeiting Is a Lingering Stain on the Wine Industry
—Melanie Young Counterfeit wines and spirits cost the global industry $3.18 billion in direct sales, and the impact can be felt at many levels. A European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) report...
Afternoon Brief, February 7th
Warming Planet Makes Better Wine: Climate change is undoubtedly a bigger threat to the planet than even Covid, but if it could be said to have a sweet spot, then we are in it – at least where wine is concerned...
AB Hero Bud BreaK
Afternoon Brief, February 4th
Napa County Planning Commission Endorses Micro-Winery Law: Advocates who say Napa County should make it easier for small farms to create "micro-wineries" have secured backing from the county Planning Commission...
Afternoon Brief, February 3rd
Wine Tanker Used to Smuggle Thousands of Kilos of Drugs Across Europe: A full wine tanker was used to smuggle thousands of kilos of drugs between Italy and Spain it has been discovered, as Italian police...
AB Hero Cork
Afternoon Brief, February 2nd
Napa Valley Farmworker Foundation, Napa Valley Grapegrowers, Partner with UCCE to Support Equitable Working Conditions for Farmworkers: The Napa Valley Farmworker Foundation (FWF) and Napa Valley Grapegrowers...
Afternoon Brief, February 1st
The Dust Settles on Prowein’s Rescheduled Date: What We’ve Learned: Trade fairs for the global wine and spirits industry are big business, both in their own right for the organizers and as locations for...