Get Your Winemaking and Packaging Needs Fulfilled in a Way That’s Convenient for You

G3 Enterprises is a trusted source of high quality winemaking supplies, packaging, and services. They are a distributor of renowned brands like DIAM, Origine by DIAM, Boisé, and Petainer Kegs, and have their own premium line of products ranging from oak chips and staves to caps and capsules. In addition to providing the best quality supplies, they’ve taken steps to ensure that their service and order options are flexible and convenient for their customers.

Whether you are experienced producers or are just getting into wine and beer production, you need to find the right products fit for your situation. Whether you know exactly what you need or have a supply shortage, you have the option to go online and order that extra bag of Diam corks to be overnighted to the winery for example. G3 Enterprises has made sure that you have the options available to you with the help of their sales and customer service representatives and online store.

Diam in G3 online store

The online store is responsive and mobile friendly, making it simple to check out what stock options are available, see product specifications, and place an order. The pricing is transparent including a shipping estimator tool that offers FedEx overnight, 2nd day, and ground shipping options.

Low minimum orders ranging from a single bag, box, or case are offered on most products with the unique minimum order size specified on each product page. For large quantities or to setup repeat orders, call 1-855-G3-ORDER or email

G3 Online Store Cart

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you send me samples? 

Yes, samples are available on request by calling 1-855-G3-ORDER or emailing us at

  • I am an existing customer, can I set-up repeat orders?

Yes, you can set up repeat orders by calling-1-855-G3-ORDER or e-mailing us at Our team will set up an account for you and be your direct point of contact.

  • I have a bottle, what closure should I use?

Send us a detailed bottle drawing via email, and we can provide a recommendation.

Expert Consultation

If you need additional guidance in making your winemaking and packaging decisions, G3 Enterprises’ experienced team of consultants stand ready to help. The team can provide technical support to troubleshoot packaging problems and solutions, provide OTR testing, and provide recommendations for the best closure options based on detailed bottle specifications.

Appointments can be setup with a specialist who can assist clients that are considering expanding into on-tap with Petainer kegs, or in need of an oak or oxygen management consultation.

Visit G3 Enterprises’ online store at to browse the inventory and place an order. Select products are only available for direct purchase in certain states. See the regional order page for details or call-1-855-G3-ORDER. Email for any questions, special requests, and personalized service. The G3 team is ready to help.

