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Afternoon Brief, December 10
Silicon Valley Bank Annual Wine Conditions Survey Results: 82% of wineries reported overall financial health of "good" or better for 2014. This is up 7% over the previous year. This trend is expected to...
Afternoon Brief, December 9
Top Grapes Strengthen Their Grip: Global wine production is showing signs of increasing homogeneity as international varieties expand their share of the worlds vineyards...
NBBJ WIA 2014 - m
North Coast Wine Industry Gathers to Honor Award Winners
Tuesday afternoon nearly 200 people filled the Alexander Valley Ballroom at the Hyatt Vineyard Creek Hotel for the second annual Wine Industry Awards and WINnovation Awards. The North Bay Business Journal...
5 Wine Industry Innovators Honored with WINnovation Award
The business of wine is in a continual state of evolution with new markets, new consumer trends, new challenges and new solutions provided from the businesses trying to capture, shape or overcome them....
Afternoon Brief, November 14
The #1 Wine of the Year: Today my friends, the Wine Spectator, the industry leader in wine reporting, announced the #1 wine of the year. This was a long drawn out process that started with #10 and slowly...
Afternoon Brief, November 13
Experts Foresee Dynamic Market for Mergers & Acquisitions in 2015: Wine industry financiers are predicting robust activity for winery and vineyard mergers and acquisitions throughout the remainder of 2014...
Afternoon Brief, Dec. 9
Trending Story: Wine M&A momentum set to continue in 2014 There have been few years in recent memory as ripe for merger-and-acquisition activity as 2013 in the wine industry, particularly on the North...
Afternoon Brief, Nov. 15
Trending Story: Wine Spectator #1 Wine of 2013 Revealed This year marks the 25th anniversary of our Top 100 list, where Wine Spectators editors select and highlight the most exciting wines from the thousands...
Afternoon Brief, Nov. 11
Trending Story: Second large harvest drives financing demand Wine industry lenders in the North Bay have seen another uptick in borrower demand in the latter half of 2013, driven in part by a need to process...
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