WIN Insiders with WineAmerica’s Michael Kaiser
In this interview (video above), we talk with Michael Kaiser, Vice President of Government Affairs / WineAmerica, a grassroots advocacy organization for the American Wine Industry and the only national...
Virtual Tastings Will Continue for Trade but Not Consumers Post Pandemic
Haas is a firm believer that, even when the pandemic has subsided and the industry can get back to "normal," virtual tastings for trade—NOT consumers—will be one of the few COVID-19 evolutions that will...
Leveraging Technology to Survive and Thrive (Webinar)
Winemaking is steeped in tradition, with knowledge passed through generations with oral instructions or handwritten notes. But as the world becomes faster moving and more complicated, you need to find...
Dry Creek Vineyard Engaging the Wine Trade Virtually
COVID-19 has affected more than winery relationships with consumers—it’s affected relationships with distributors, wholesalers, sommeliers, and retail market trade as well...
Sonoma County Winegrowers Present Sanchietti Farming with Viticulture Award of Excellence for 2020
SANTA ROSA, Calif.  (July 20, 2020) –  The Sonoma County Winegrowers (SCW) honored Sanchietti Farming with the 2020 Viticulture Award of Excellence during the organization’s...
North Coast Wine Challenge Announces 2020 Sweepstakes Winners
Out of 1,059 entries from California’s North Coast, the most ever, these were the best (see announcement video about for more): Best White Wine + Best Sonoma County + Best of the Best Sangiacomo...
Virtual Winery Offerings - Case Study Discussions (Webinar)
Sandra Hess, founder of DTC Wine Workshops and Consumer Engagement Specialist will moderate a discussion and showcase three Virtual Winery Program Case Studies.
Trump’s Tariffs on European Wine Backfire on US Wine Industry
Last year the Trump administration placed a 25% tariff on a broad section of European wines as part of the WTO judgement against the European Union (EU) in the Airbus subsidy dispute, which the US argued...
WIN Insider Series: Dale Stratton, President of the Wine Market Council
Wine Industry Network’s Insider Series features thought leaders and influencers helping to shape and direct the wine industry. This edition (video above) features Dale Stratton, President of the Wine Market...
Growing Cannabis in Wine Country: The Shone Farm Project (Webinar)
In 2019, the Santa Rosa Junior College initiated a hemp cultivation project at Shone Farm to specifically identify the best agronomic practices for cultivating hemp and understand the potential terpene...
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