January 9, 2020
Wine’s Most Inspiring People 2020: Leading with the Future in Mind: As a third-generation descendant of an iconic Napa Valley wine family and the owner of the oldest winery in Napa Valley, Peter Mondavi,...
April 10, 2019
2018 California Crush Report by the Numbers: The 2018 California crush report was released today, and as expected the report reveals a bountiful 2018 winegrape harvest up 6.6% in volume from 4,016 thousand...
March 31, 2017
Farmland Values in the Central San Joaquin Decline in 2016 as Crop Prices Tumble
The value of farmland in the central San Joaquin Valley cooled for some crops as prices for several high-flying commodities...
April 21, 2014
As a boutique label, you may be feeling more pressure as imports and big wineries try to dominate the retail shelves and push the craft wineries to the side. However, with a little creativity and knowledge...