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Tag: Lagier Meredith Vineyard

Afternoon Brief, August 12th

More North Coast Winery Website Lawsuits End Without Settlements: More than half the dozens of recent federal lawsuits brought by one Florida man against North Coast wineries over accessibility of their websites have been dismissed, including nearly two dozen in the past 30 days. And more of these are getting resolved without settlements...

Afternoon Brief, August 5th

Zero-Dollar Napa Valley Vineyard Deal Highlights Ups, Downs of Handshake Wine Business Deals: It seems easy and cordial: Notable figures and friends in the North Coast wine world agree to a changing of hands of a Napa Valley vineyard at no cost and without a contract...

Afternoon Brief, July 22nd

Despite Fires, Wine's Glass Still Half Full: Although the vintage is likely to take a hit, it remains unlikely that the European fires will lead to a global wine shortage...

Afternoon Brief, July 19th

Wildfires Rage Across Wine-Growing Southwestern France, Arson Suspected: Wildfires raged across the Gironde winegrowing area of southwestern France on Tuesday, where a man has been taken into custody suspected of arson, authorities said...