March 7, 2024
Coravin and the Fight against Wine Fraud: Coravin got a mention in a story about disappearing wine this week, but it's usually on the side of the angels...
April 26, 2023
26th April 2023 – Bordeaux Mentor Week is a not-for-profit five-day education and mentorship programme in Bordeaux that conveys knowledge and access while increasing diversity and inclusivity...
March 3, 2023
Foreigners Keep Buying Napa Valley Wineries. But This One Is Different: There’s a controversial consolidation trend in California’s Wine Country, and Florence Cathiard doesn’t skirt around it. She acknowledges...
March 3, 2023
Will Take Place From 25th – 29th September 2023 3rd March 2023 – This is a not-for-profit five-day education and mentorship programme in Bordeaux that conveys knowledge and access while increasing...
January 20, 2023
DTC Symposium Recap: Engaging the Future: The 2023 Direct to Consumer Wine Symposium, which took place Jan. 18-19, was a forward looking affair featuring panel discussions and data presentations focused...
January 13, 2023
Jane Anson Publishes the First Wine Article Written by Artificial Intelligence Tool ChatGPT : Less than 24 hours ago, Jane Anson, wine writer and publisher of commissioned an article on how...
January 13, 2023
Friday 13th – Less than 24 hours ago, Jane Anson, wine writer and publisher of commissioned an article on how the new ChatGPT technology can be used within the fine wine industry. Within...
May 20, 2022
May 20th – Since the announcement of Bordeaux Mentor Week was made in March 2022, more than 103 applications for this innovative mentor programme were received from 28 countries, spanning...
March 31, 2022
September 26-30 2022, Applications now open, closing date April 30 31 March – Applications for an innovative mentor programme for the wine industry are now open. Due to take place during the Bordeaux...
June 1, 2017
Subscribe to the Afternoon Brief Trending Story: California Association of Winegrape Growers Foundation Awards $30,000 in Student Scholarships The California Association of Winegrape Growers Foundation...