Macari Vineyard 920
Long Island Wine In Pursuit of Excellence
In the 40-plus years since Alex and Louisa Hargrave planted and founded Long Island’s first commercial vineyard and winery in 1973, the region has fought hard, vintage by vintage, to earn its reputation...
FLX Next Gen 920
Finger Lakes In Pursuit of Excellence: The New Generation
Pioneering winemakers from all over the worlds helped to shape the Finger Lakes into a modern region. These founding winemakers began growing vinifera and raised the quality of wine, and that in turn attracted...
Dr Frank 920
Finger Lakes In Pursuit of Excellence: The Founders
It is impossible to begin to talk about the current winemaking scene in the Finger Lakes without covering its immensely important influence on the national winemaking scene. The Finger Lakes is not the...
Pursuit Excellence Trade Media 920
In Pursuit of Excellence: Trade, Media and Producers Weigh In
By Paul Vigna Nova Cadamatre Nova Cadamatre is director of winemaking for Constellation’s Canandaigua Winery, developing the 240 Days wines from the Finger Lakes. She and her husband, Brian, also have...
Veritas Vineyards
Central Virginia Wine In Pursuit of Excellence
Two hundred years after writing, “we could, in the United States, make as great a variety of wines as are made in Europe: not exactly of the same kinds, but doubtless as good,” Thomas Jefferson’s dream...
Raffaldini Vineyards 920x360
North Carolina Wine In Pursuit of Excellence
Blame it on the scuppernong. A variety of the Muscadine, it’s not only the official fruit of North Carolina but the first grape cultivated in the United States. Indeed, the Mothervine in Manteo on Roanoke...
Hudson Valley Map Pursuit Hero
Hudson Valley Wine In Pursuit of Excellence
New Pioneers Lay Foundation of Excellence in Americas Oldest Wine Region
Alba Vineyard 920x360
New Jersey Wine In Pursuit of Excellence
Numbers reflect the improvements – with New Jersey having now increased to 50 wineries and more than 1,000 acres of wine – as do the recent awards – Sharrott’s port-style red called Wicked, made from Chambourcin...
Boordy Vineyards 920
Maryland Wine In Pursuit of Excellence
Still, getting noticed by the state’s consumers remains a work in progress, said Kevin Atticks, longtime executive director of the Maryland Wineries Association and founder of the Baltimore-area management...
Allegro Winery 920x360
Pennsylvania Wine In Pursuit of Excellence
The reality is that the clientele remains largely in the dark about what to expect, despite a significant uptick since 2010 in the number of producers making premium wines. While the industry itself grapples...