March 30, 2020
Let’s face it. Conventional winemaking is a labor intensive, messy business. Between manual or mechanical punch downs and arduous barrel and tank cleaning regimes to remove spent pomace, winemaking...
January 17, 2020
This year the Sonoma County Winegrowers annual Dollars and $ense meeting was held in conjunction with the Sonoma County Vintners, and Glenn Proctor, Board of Directors Chairman for the Sonoma County Winegrowers...
January 17, 2020
The GOfermentor® and the SmartBarrel will be on display at the booth. The GOfermentor® brings advanced technology to winemaking, providing greater control of fermentation parameters, resulting in better...
January 15, 2020
Far Hills NJ, January 14, 2020 – Sky Acres Winery has exclusively used GOfermentor technology since 2014. The advanced GOfermentor+SmartBarrel winemaking process enables us to safely make wines...
January 13, 2020
There were over sixty-five judges, representing various North American wine regions, evaluating nearly 6,700 wines from over 1,000 wineries for the 2020 San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition ...
December 2, 2019
Taking the Direct Route to Wine: Direct to Consumer (DtC) sales are rapidly growing in the US as more states relax their rules, benefiting both producer and consumer alike. However, treasury departments...
December 2, 2019
Far Hills NJ, December 2, 2019 – “The design of the GOfermentor closed liner naturally condenses aromas inside the liners upper surface, effortless refluxing aroma compounds back into the must...
December 2, 2019
A groundbreaking new technology from Vijay and Meera Singh, the developers of the innovative, single-use liner GOfermentor® winemaking system, is revolutionizing the way that wine can now be...
November 20, 2019
“It eliminates the labor of punch down, not to mention cross contamination problems in cellar environments,” Smith reports. “This machine pays for itself in one season.”
November 18, 2019
Wine Moguls Destroy Land and Pay Small Fines as Cost of Business, Say Activists: After California wine industry mogul Hugh Reimers illegally destroyed at least 140 acres of forest, meadow and stream in...