March 22, 2017
It’s Cabernet season in the Napa Valley. Cabernet season is a marketing program like wine month or international [insert-wine-name here] day in that it tells you it’s timely to drink (and eat), but it...
March 21, 2017
Distilled Spirits & Wine Demonstrate Strong Growth While Beer Continues Reinvention: The distilled spirits, wine and beer industries continued to adapt to consumers' changing attitudes towards beverage...
November 29, 2016
The Immigrants Who Help Make Your Wine Are Afraid of Trump: On election night in Napa Valley, Enrique Ayón was glued to the TV. Ayón, a Mexican citizen who's worked in the wine industry for 20 years, was...
October 19, 2016
Charles Smith Reshapes Washington Wine Industry: When Charles Smith makes a move, the earth moves. On Monday, a big "crack" was heard throughout the Washington wine industry when it was announced that...