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Tag: Emily Earlenbaugh

The Cannabis Impact on Santa Barbara’s Wine Industry

The regulated cannabis industry in California has a new, highly regulated system for cultivating, processing and selling cannabis. These regulatory changes have provided new legal avenues for cannabis entrepreneurs to operate and grow their businesses, but what impact does this have on California’s wine growing regions?

The Cannabis Impact on Monterey’s Wine Industry

The cannabis space is rapidly changing. With the passage of Prop 64 a new, highly regulated system for cultivating, processing and selling cannabis has come into play. These regulatory changes have provided new legal avenues for cannabis entrepreneurs to operate and grow.

Wine & Weed Tours: A Legal Way for Wineries to Benefit...

The cannabis green rush is picking up steam in California, and many are rushing for the opportunity to cash in on this booming industry. Still, for those already involved in cultivating, processing, or selling wine, there aren’t many options for participation. The new laws in place prohibit most of the ways that wine and cannabis might otherwise be brought together. It’s now explicitly illegal to make cannabis infused wine, to charge for events where wine and cannabis are both served, or even to commercially cultivate both cannabis and wine.

The Cannabis Impact on San Luis Obispo’s Wine Industry

There’s a new normal, and the cannabis space - once made up of small, mostly unregulated cultivators - is developing into a full-scale organized industry in California. The passage of prop 64 brought a new, highly regulated licensing system into play, and cannabis entrepreneurs are emerging from the shadows into a legal, regulated marketplace.

Considering Wine & Weed Events… Not So Fast

Considering hosting a weed and wine event at your winery? In California, elegant weed and wine dinners are becoming a popular trend and you might think that winery owners would be in an ideal position to host such events. But could these decadent pairings of cannabis and fine wine be ending just as they are beginning to take off?  In an ironic twist, the same regulations that now allow for legal recreational cannabis also restrict this recreational pairing. For event planners, wineries and brands who threw these events or utilized these events for marketing purposes, this presents a huge challenge.

A Wine & Weed Story: Interview with Zack Crafton

Cannabis and wine have a lot of similarities. They are both agricultural products that grow well in the same climates. They are both used for relaxation in social settings, or after a long day's work. And now, as recreational cannabis regulations begin to take effect, they will both be provided by highly regulated industries.

Wine & Weed Terpene Pairings Steal the Show at ‘Crab and...

By Emily Earlenbaugh Cannabis and wine enthusiasts gathered last Friday for a Crab and Cannabis Fête, hosted by TSO Sonoma and Ellipsis Wine as part...

Wine & Weed Interactions: Planning a Safe Event

As recreational marijuana continues to grow in popularity, we are seeing more events that pair wine with high-end cannabis. There are luxurious dinners with wine and courses of gourmet cannabis-infused delicacies, ‘wine and weed’ events that feature pairings of wine with varying cannabis products, and even events serving cannabis-infused wine. As these events continue to pop up, many vineyards and wineries are considering getting in on this aspect of the green rush. While these events are similar to traditional wine tastings and hosted dinners, one majordifference event hosts should plan for is the interactions between wine and weed.