April 22, 2024
Napa Green’s Roundup Ban Underscores Controversy behind Sonoma County’s ‘Certified Sustainable’ Vineyards: 95% of Sonoma County’s vineyards are certified-sustainable. Here’s why that’s controversial.....
November 30, 2022
California Wines Pour Jobs and Dollars into Economy: The California wine and winegrape sector and allied businesses deliver a total economic contribution of $73 billion annually to the state’s economy...
November 11, 2022
The attorneys and support staff of CMPR (Carle, Mackie, Power & Ross) are used to working as small, focused teams on winery and vineyard projects ranging from employment to intellectual property to...
November 19, 2021
Heading into its 24th year of providing legal counsel to all facets of the food and beverage industries, the law firm of Carle, Mackie, Power & Ross, (CMPR) holds fast to the values that has guided...
November 15, 2019
We will have a few of our best attorneys here at CMPR at the WIN expo to chat with some of the guests and to create new connections. CMPR was build in Santa Rosa and always enjoys the chance to interact...
September 5, 2018
The landscape of the alcoholic beverage industry in the new millennium looks dramatically different than the drinks business of the 20th century. There has been a staggering increase in the number of new...
October 8, 2013
By Elizabeth Hans McCrone When the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) issued a circular last May that identified social media platforms as sources of advertising for the first time, many in...