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Wine Market Council Launches New Study to Better Engage Younger and Multicultural Consumers 

May 30, 2024 – Napa Valley, California – The Wine Market Council (WMC), a membership-driven leader in advancing the U.S. wine market through research and insights, is pleased to announce the launch of a new study to better understand younger and multicultural consumers. Partnering with EthniFacts, a leading cross-cultural knowledge and insights provider, this study will support the industry’s efforts to be more inclusive, relevant, and engaging with today’s consumers.

Photo Credit: 123F.com

“When we surveyed our members, this topic was their number one priority,” stated Dr. Liz Thach, MW, Wine Market Council President. “Members want to better understand younger and multicultural consumers and learn how to connect with them in a way that is authentic and engaging. Although there have been some improvements, the industry needs to make a cultural and strategic shift that reflects the reality of the world we live in.”

“We look forward to working with WMC on this critical project,” said Mike Lakusta, CEO of EnthiFacts. “Our objective is to challenge outdated assumptions with unique tools and conceptual models in a way that is not only thoughtful and inclusive, but also provides WMC members with actionable steps to better connect with Gen Z, Millennial and multicultural consumers.”

EthniFacts will begin their study with a critical review of existing literature on the topic. They will then utilize their iTracks software to conduct interactive shop-along interviews with consumers in both off- and on-premise establishments. The data collection process will conclude with an in-depth survey from a representative sample of U.S. consumers. WMC will receive the final analysis and strategic takeaways by the fourth quarter of 2024.

“The overall objective of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of how young, diverse consumers perceive wine and which aspects of wine are most valued or attractive to them,” reported Christian Miller, WMC Research Director. “Many of wine’s attributes – a relatively natural, seasonal and sustainable product, reflecting its farming origins – are in tune with their interests. Is this or is this not clicking with them and why?”

About Wine Market Council

Wine Market Council (WMC) is a non-profit organization powered by members with an interest in advancing the U.S. wine market and industry. Established in 1996, the mission of WMC is to be the leader in forward-looking market research on U.S. wine consumer buying habits, attitudes and trends.

Each year WMC conducts 3 to 4 cutting-edge research studies on U.S. wine consumers and shares the data with members.  WMC is especially known for its Benchmark Segmentation Survey, which is the longest running survey of U.S. wine consumers in the world, conducted every 1 to 2 years since 1997.

In addition to research reports, members have access to quarterly webinars, newsletters, presentation slides, data files, and an annual ½ day Research Conference. Members include wineries, distributors, growers, importers, regional, national, and international trade associations, and affiliates.

Membership starts as low as $400 per year, depending on the size of your organization. For more information on membership and costs, please see https://winemarketcouncil.com/join/.

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