Cultivating Connection – How to Capture the Hearts and Minds of Your Customers

How much do you know about your customers? Are you one of those wineries marketing solely based on club and non-club members? Or have you taken the next step and are marketing to your customers based on whether or not they are club members, multiple buyers, first time buyers or prospects? When was the last time you did a deep dive into your database?

Did you know 76% of customers expect brands to understand their individual needs? And, customer-centric companies are 60% more profitable than companies that don’t focus on customers according to Deloitte & Touche?

In this webinar we’ll outline why it is more important than ever to know and understand your customers – their needs, wants and expectations, and apply a customer-centric model to your marketing and sales efforts. We will give you practical examples of how you can uncover the information needed to craft your marketing messaging to closely defined segments, even individuals.

Customer expectations are rapidly moving from standardized personalization (first name on an email) to individualization (product recommendations based on their interests and purchasing history) and everything in between. Don’t get left behind.

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Speaker Panel

Susan DeMatei, President/Founder WineGlass Marketing
Gaynor Strachan-Chun, Head of Strategic Planning / WineGlass Marketing

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