Transparent as Glass: West Coast Bottles’ Unparalleled Customer Service

When wine is ready to be bottled, it’s imperative that a winery has a sufficient supply of quality glass on hand, ready to go. When a winery finds itself without the bottles it needs, it can be a daunting task to find a supplier with the necessary size and type and can deliver them quickly.

Cynthia E. Fisher founded West Coast Bottles almost 14 years ago to meet that need for small to medium-sized wineries, filling a void in the wholesale glass marketplace. The company backs its focus on delivering cased glass on an as-needed basis with unparalleled customer service that sets it apart from competitors.

Fisher and her team answer each phone call personally and send hand-written notes as a thank-you for orders, new customers, regular buyers and those returning after a hiatus. They also personalize other communications like annual reminders, congratulations for customer accomplishments and “your order has been shipped” notifications. In addition, they ensure that complete shipment tracking information is readily available for added reassurance.

When I pick up the phone and introduce myself, says Fisher, “the caller will sometimes blurt out, “Wait, you’re the owner? I’m talking to the owner! It’s a refreshing surprise for a customer,” and her response is simple, “Yes, what can I help you with today?”  

West Coast Bottles offers same-day quotes, and its well-stocked warehouse maintains an inventory of 80 different bottles, ranging from 200 ml to magnums and 3 liters, so they’re ready to go with most bottles a winery needs. The company also ships large orders directly from supplier factories, which reduces the wineries’ costs and environmental impact. 

Although small to medium-sized wineries remain its core customer base, West Coast Bottles has expanded over the years to meet the needs of large wineries with extensive production capacity. Its growth has been organic, driven by word-of-mouth referrals—a sure sign that customers value the commitment of the West Coast Bottles team to personalized customer relationships, impeccable customer service and rapid response.

“We’ve never missed a bottling date in over 13 years of operation,” Fisher emphasizes with pride. “And we’re very transparent. There are no hidden charges.” 

As West Coast Bottles continues to expand to more than 35 states, it is launching a new website,, tailored to wineries with orders of 50 cases or less. This initiative aims to make its services even more accessible, with shipping costs already calculated for convenience.

Stop by the West Coast Bottles booth 406 at the WIN Expo on November 30 to learn more about how their commitment to outstanding customer service, a wide array of quality glass and on-time delivery can benefit your winery.

North Coast Wine Industry Expo – WIN Expo – at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds in Santa Rosa, CA on Thursday, November 30, 2023.

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