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What Does the Color of Wine Say?

Winemakers across Europe, particularly in regions bearing PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) and PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) designations, uphold stringent regulations to safeguard the authenticity and heritage of their wines. In order to protect the names and qualities of specific products and to promote their unique characteristics, linked to their geographical origin and traditions of knowledge the European Union created the quality schemes and labels PDO and PGI. The European Union’s food products regulations are designed to provide a clear structure for the production of organic products throughout the EU. The aim is to satisfy consumer demand for trustworthy products, while providing a fair market for producers, distributors and traders. If you are eager to learn why European wines from the region of Thracian lowlands are marked by PGI read this article! 

The unique wines from Thracian lowlands have an immemorial history. This European region has been producing wine for at least 7,000 years. Ancient Thracians who inhabited the lowlands are believed to have been the first winemakers in the world.

Indigenous wines from the Thracian Lowlands region recognized as a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) region are various in terms of colors. The grape variety is the main parameter that determines the color of the wine. Pinot noir for example is made of black grapes and their skins give the drink its color. These red grapes usually produce red wine, but the intensity can still vary.  The climate also has an influence on the color of the drink – in general, if the wine has been aged in a cool environment, its color is lighter.  It should be noted, however, that this rule is not absolute, as other elements can play a role in climate, namely orientation to the sun and altitude. These other parameters can affect the intensity of the color of the wine. Vinification is also one of the parameters that give a wine its color. A wine with an intense red color is likely to have undergone a stronger extraction process.

In the category of white wines and wines with a lighter color, such as champagne or sparkling wine, the color can range from greenish-yellow to rusty. White wine may be straw yellow, greenish-gold, pale gold, yellowish gold, old gold, light amber or dark amber. In the range of white wines, there are dry white wines and sweet wines, which are usually more or less pale in color. Sweet wines range in color from golden yellow to amber.

Rosé wine is not produced by blending red and white wines. Of course, some champagne rosés are made this way, but they are called rosé blends.  The color of rosé wine is produced by the same vinification process as that of red wine. The only difference is that its color is lighter, as the juice does not remain in contact with the grape skins for as long. With red wine, the juice remains in contact with the grape skins for 2 to 3 weeks, whereas with rosé this process usually lasts between 2-3 hours and 24 hours.

It is clear that the white grapes used to make wine produce only light-coloured beverages, while the black grapes produce red and pink wines. However, in the winemaking process, the color of the grapes can be lost and, as a result, black grapes can produce white wine. So it’s not just the color of the grapes that affects the color.

Traditionally, Mavrud is a full-bodied, heavy, ruby-coloured wine. The ruby variety produces wines with a deep ruby color, almost opaque. Authentic wine from Melnik 55 has a beautiful purplish red color. Pamid is served in a light red color. Gamza is a wine characterized by its light body and low intensity of red color. Next time when you want to try amazing European wine look for the PGI or PDO labels. They’ll tell you a tale of sunshine, valleys, rivers and fields where it all began. Wines from the Thracian region will will impress you with the variety of tastes, qualities and colors.

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