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CAWG Sponsored COVID-19 Financial Relief Legislation Advances 

SACRAMENTO, April 26, 2023 – Today, the Senate Committee on Labor, Public  Employment, and Retirement approved SB 375 (Alvarado-Gil, D-Jackson) by a 3-1 vote.  SB 375 will provide employers with financial relief from the cost of compliance with the new  COVID-19 workplace safety standards that took effect on February 4.  

“SB 375 will support California employers and growers throughout the state, including  those in the foothill wine regions represented by Senator Alvarado-Gil, who are still  recovering from the pandemic,” said Natalie Collins, President of the California Association  of Winegrape Growers (CAWG). “We thank Senator Alvarado-Gil for her demonstrated  commitment and leadership on this issue.” 

CAWG sponsored SB 375 in recognition of the challenges faced by many growers,  particularly small-scale operations, who are still recovering from the financial setbacks of  2020 and 2021, and are also dealing with the added burden of complying with pandemic related regulations. SB 375 would provide an annual credit against state payroll taxes to  reimburse employers for verifiable expenses related to pandemic-based regulatory  compliance, such as testing, masking, ventilation systems, exclusion from work, and other  documented costs.  

California’s emergency COVID-19 regulation recently ended and was replaced by the new  regulation, which will stay in effect until February 3, 2025. SB 375 provides an annual tax  credit that would be capped at $100 per employee for small employers and $50 per  employee for large employers. 

The bill is now headed to the Senate Appropriations Committee for consideration.

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