Home Industry News Releases BlueWine.com Launches Website Dedicated to Wine and Spirits Documentaries

BlueWine.com Launches Website Dedicated to Wine and Spirits Documentaries


The platform will be dedicated to providing content through TVOD, SVOD, and AVOD 

E-Studioz, an independent film production company based in Bordeaux, has launched Bluewine.com, the first video blog entirely dedicated to the world of wines and  spirits. Through BlueWine.com, wine lovers will be able to discover video trailers of the  latest productions from directors and producers who have focused on the world of wines  and spirits. Wine lovers will be able to discover images of terroirs, grape varieties and  the fascinating stories of the winegrowers and families who produce wine and spirits  around the world. The BlueWine.com website currently features over fifty wine-related  documentaries, films, programs, reports and videos.  

BORDEAUX, FRANCE – February 10th, 2023 – E-Studioz produced the documentary  film Eastbound Westbound in 2022, an investigation that aims to trace, understand, and  demonstrate the historical and unwavering links between California and Bordeaux, and  their wines.  

According to Wine Intelligence, wine and spirits lovers represent an audience of over  380 million people, who consume at least once a week across the major markets. The  E-Studioz team is aware of over a hundred documentary films, twenty fiction films and  thousands of reports on wine and spirits produced in the past ten years.  

But even though the major platforms such as Apple iTunes, Amazon Prime and Google  Play broadcast programs on this subject in VOD, they are usually buried among  thousands of films intended for a wider audience and are difficult to find in their huge  catalogs. In addition, the distribution and broadcasting of a niche film to TV channels  and streaming platforms is very difficult, as they lack information about the potential  audience. 

BlueWine.com will allow wine lovers and filmmakers to come together on the same site, helping to raise awareness of the films and allowing wine lovers to discover them” states Gérard Spatafora, founder of E-Studioz.  

During the 4th quarter of 2023, E-Studioz teams will transform the BlueWine.com  website into a streaming platform entirely dedicated to worldwide wine and spirits  content. Wine lovers will then be able to view the programs through a pay-per-view offer  (TVOD), a subscription offer (SVOD) or with advertising (AVOD).  

To achieve this, E-Studioz will open its capital to investors and will give individuals the  opportunity to participate through crowdfunding in the form of an Initial Coin Offering  (ICO) to help it in its international development. 

About E-Studioz SAS 

Founded in 2019 in Bordeaux by Gérard Spatafora, Philippe Maurange and Arnaud  Serre – all three with a background in internet distribution and sales, journalism and  tasting as well as press relations over more than 25 years – E-Studioz has a solid  network in the international world of wine and spirits. An independent film producer, E 

Studioz produced the documentary Eastbound Westbound in 2022, which will soon be  available in English on APPLE TV. Link to the website BlueWine.com



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